Payment methods

Payment Methods

The payment methods accepted by the Company on the Website are valid credit/debit cards through Piraeus Bank, PayPal and Viva Wallet.

The customer is obliged to check the payment methods themselves before making the reservation or arriving to collect the car.

The Company may also provide the customer with payment on collection at the store.

The type of payment available for the specific reservation made by the customer depends on the terms of cooperation agreed between the Company and the banking systems.

The rental price (if not retained by the Company), as well as payments for extras and services selected at collection or not retained by the Company, are charged upon collection of the car.

Viva Wallet

Pay using more than 30 methods (credit or debit cards, PayPal, bank deposit, digital wallets, local payment methods and more)


PCI Compliant

With PCI DSS Level 1 compliance status, we adhere to payment security standards and help protect customer data.

As a fully PCI DSS Level 1 compliant Service Provider and a member of Visa and MasterCard as well as an approved Clearer, Viva Wallet complies with credit card operating regulations. It is also subject to annual audits by an accredited PCI security assessor, Visa, MasterCard and partner banks.

CVV Potential Technology

Dynamic CVV technology has become a key weapon against malicious trading.

Instead of using a fixed three or four digit code on the back of the card, Dynamic CVV technology periodically generates a new code. When a customer is ready to start a transaction, they receive an SMS or email with a unique CVV. The unique code expires after the transaction is completed or within the next few hours.

Security of Biometric Data

Integrating biometrics into our payment solution adds an extra layer of security.

Microsoft's facial recognition technologies provide a reliable facial verification service. By adding this extra layer of security, we ensure that payments are made by the expected people, reducing fraud in card-not-present transactions.

Information Security

We focus on all aspects of information security in our systems, services and data. We are expanding compliance requirements to provide a maximum level of security, resilience and trust.

Our infrastructure implements multiple layers of protection, using industry-proven mechanisms and best practices to ensure:

Availability: cloud infrastructure with DDOS protection, load balancing and state recovery (DR) settings.

Confidentiality: HTTPS and end-to-end encryption, use of certified security materials, strict key management controls and real-time fraud detection.

Integrity: Identity management, database backup, access control and code review process.


The delivery process is an important technology service that shapes how merchants accept payments and use payment data.

Spawning is the process of replacing sensitive data with non-sensitive data. In the payments sector, it is used to protect the card's PAN by replacing it with a unique sequence of numbers that cannot be used for transactions.

Anti-fraud algorithm based on artificial intelligence

An integrated AI-based risk management system that integrates directly into our payment platform.

AI-based fraud detection technology is informed by every real-time transaction and can predict malicious attacks before they even happen, resulting in a 70% reduction in fraud while increasing 35% conversion rates. The results are fully transparent so you understand exactly why a transaction was rejected or accepted.

See more here