Cookie Policy


We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your right to lawful processing and protection of your personal data. Our cookies and tracking policy clearly explains how cookies and other tracking technologies are used on our website and in our products and services.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on your device when you visit a website. It contains data that is specific to each visitor and this website. Cookies are used by many websites and can be used for various purposes, for example, to remember your online shopping choices and to collect website statistics.

How do we use cookies?

We and our partners use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the Site, record user activity on the Site, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. Cookies are information that the website sends to a web browser. The browser stores this information in your device's file. Cookies allow visitors to navigate the site more easily and (if present) enable us

to adapt the website and its content to the needs of the visitor and to improve the results of the user's activity. If cookies are not enabled, we cannot guarantee that the website will function fully or that it will function as expected. The cookies we use on our website do not store data that could identify you directly. The collected data will not be transferred to third parties, unless described in our Privacy Policy. No personal information that could identify you will be transferred.

We use cookies on our website as follows:

We use cookies to protect our customers and prevent fraud.
We use cookies in our application form for online use. If the cookie function is not activated, the user will not be able to log in and/or use our services.
We also use cookies to learn how users come to our website and study how they use it — this helps us improve the quality of the services we provide. For example, we use Google Analytics, a popular web-based performance analysis service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to help us analyze how visitors use our website. More information about the use of cookies can be found in Google's Privacy Policy.
We use cookies to record and manage website data traffic.
We also use cookies in our advertising campaigns and promotions

and to determine their success. This helps us improve the design and structure of the site, as well as the selection of offers and incentives.

We use two types of cookies on our website:

Session cookies. These are temporary cookies that are only active when the user accesses the website (or, more specifically, when the user leaves the website and closes the browser). Session cookies help our website remember the steps a visitor has taken on the previous page, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter information.
Persistent cookies. Persistent cookies remain on the visitor's computer after visiting our website. These cookies help us identify you as a unique visitor (by storing this information as a random birth number). How long this cookie stays on the user's computer depends on the type of cookie.

Consent to the use of cookies

Before you start using our website, we need your consent to use cookies. Therefore, our website has a pop-up window that informs you about the use of cookies and asks you to accept the use of cookies by clicking "I accept". If you do not agree to the use of cookies but continue to use the website, this is considered as your consent to the use of cookies.

Checking and deleting cookies

We do not use cookies to collect personal information about users. However, some of the information processed may be considered personal data. If you wish to limit or block cookies on our website or any other website, you can do so by changing your internet browser settings. For example, you can block all cookies, to a

accept only third-party cookies or delete all cookies when you close your browser. To learn more about this, use the “Help” function of your browser. For information on how to delete cookies from your mobile device's browser, see your device's user manual.


Like most websites, we collect some information automatically. We collect this information to analyze trends and to manage our websites, products and services in general. By tracking the web pages users visit on this particular website, we do not collect personal information about your online activities over time or on third-party websites or when you use online services. Accordingly, we do not currently process or operate a web browser “do not track” signal or other mechanisms that allow consumers to make choices about the collection of personal information about their online activities over time and on third-party websites. In addition, we have not authorized known third parties to collect personal information about your online activities in the

only on third-party websites when using our websites. We work with third parties to serve ads on our website or manage our ads on other websites. Our partner — a third party — may use cookies or similar technologies to provide you with advertisements based on your browsing activity and interests. If you would like to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here. Our partner — a third party — may use cookies or similar technologies to provide you with advertisements based on your browsing activity and interests. If you would like to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here. Our partner — a third party — may use cookies or similar technologies to provide you with advertisements based on your browsing activity and interests. If you would like to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here, or if you are in the European Union, here. Please note that you will still receive generic ads (ie ads that are not tailored to your interests and actions).

What changes have we made recently?

From time to time, we may change this cookie policy and we will always indicate the date the policy was last updated. Check this section for the latest version.


Last updated: 26 June 2023