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Value vehicle rentals

We offer professional car rental services and a wide range of high quality vehicles

Choose a commercial vehicle with a technical professional inspection

Why Onedeal?

One Deal vehicle rentals

Welcome to Onedeal, the leading car rental company in Athens! We are here to cater to your every need and requirement when it comes to moving, be it for business or personal use. At Onedeal we offer high quality commercial vehicle rentals as well as van rentals for your special cargo or group transportation needs. In addition, we have flexible daily car rental packages, allowing you to choose the time period that works best for you. In addition, we understand the needs of professionals and companies, which is why we offer special vehicle rental programs that adapt to your business needs. Visit us on Acharnon Avenue and discover the variety of perfect cars we have to offer you for rent. With Onedeal, your move becomes simple, economical and comfortable!


Variety of Vehicles

Onedeal offers a wide range of cars for rent, from economy to luxury, thus covering every need and preference of its customers.


Flexible Rental Options

Onedeal offers flexible rental packages that adapt to the needs and personal schedule of customers, offering comfort and convenience in car rental.


Excellent condition

Onedeal cars are kept in excellent condition and undergo systematic checks to ensure the safety and comfort of customers.


Excellent Service

Onedeal professionals provide a high level of service to their customers, whether it's choosing the right rental vehicle or any other help or information they need.


The difference is in the details, which is why our car rental services, in the tourism and business sectors, stand out for their quality and good taste, offering you a unique experience.

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+30 694 166 6444
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Tire change

Immediate service and maintenance

Oil change

Oil change and body check